South Central Bloodhound Club, Inc.
Article I
Name. The name of the club is designated as “South Central Bloodhound Club, Inc.” (hereinafter the “Club”).
Article II
Geographic Area. The Club’s geographic area shall include: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas (the “Geographic Area”).
Article III
Club Objectives.
The objectives of the Club are:
To be representative of Bloodhound owners, breeders, and exhibitors within the Club’s Geographic Area.
To (1) educate members and the general public concerning the pure-bred Bloodhound; (2) promote quality in the breeding of the pure-bred Bloodhound; (3) strive to bring the Bloodhound’s natural qualities to perfection; and (4) promote responsible ownership and breeding practices of the pure-bred Bloodhound.
To actively promote acceptance of the American Kennel Club breed standard of excellence by which Bloodhounds shall be judged.
To (1) protect and advance the interest of all breeds of pure-bred dogs; (2) encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows, obedience competitions, and trailing and tracking trials; and (3) educate the general public in the responsibilities associated with the ownership of any dog.
To promote and encourage the use of the Bloodhound in search and rescue work.
To engage in social and recreational activities designed to stimulate and promote interest in the care and development of purebred Bloodhounds.
To conduct sanctioned matches, specialties, dog shows, obedience, trailing and tracking trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club and American Bloodhound Club.
To conduct Bloodhound breed rescue operations.